Feedback in English
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    Robert, 54 y.o.

    Hello to you,inna 33 years old,and two or one children,from Ukraina Kiev.
    did j write,soomething about the kost of life,in Kiev no j did not my see my dear,most girls thing with love,and get a lot of children everything well be beautiful in life.A relationship takes long time,many thing it comes from it self,its a lot of work.and after a year,divorced and lot of broblems,notthing is perfect in life.
    Also j can tell you,girls from russia or Ukraine ,for you to live in vest -European and no languages no money you well have to ask,you new man,for every-thing.and in my fist feed.back j did say,about the girls profile-photos,a not real.No body knows what is going on in the real yes j do,undrrstand why you vant,to get out of Ukraine,j have never,been to Ukraine ,and well never come to kkraine. j am sure,you dont,understand my letter,who does,when nobody speak any english.
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    Inna, 35 y.o.

    Robert, 51 Denmark. Are you able to live on 250 euro a month with a child, and look like a Hollywood star. The women of your country have more opportunities in their life, and certainly could look better us, but do you have so many beautiful intelligent and educated women as in FSU? Of course we know how to love, but can you appreciate and keep love, not mixing concepts such as love and money.
    Herman from Belgium, you paid expensively for this lesson, no one is safe from fraud
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    Robert, 54 y.o.

    Hello to all the girls here,on this web-site.J most say,this man from,Belgium mr Herman,the girls-profiles photos are,not op to date.
    the photos,the girls,have many do not look like that in real-life,meet many on skype,a joke.And why are all the woman here,not love,but to get a better life,thats why everybody is here.
    Robert from Denmark.
  • 01.12.12
    hallo, to all women, i will let her once my feedback, what this man did for a woman from Moscow and did for 2 years!! that all cost me more than 5.000 euro, i think much women gonna open there eyes, it's very easy to made men bad! but i have seen same women on Skype, and my question was : are you that woman from the site??? all old pictures. So much liars here !! so don't think to quickly bad about men who are here on this site with good attentions and with recent pictures!!!!!!!! Herman from Belgium
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    Carl, 52 y.o.
    USA,Olympia, WA

    Like your dating site! Am dating now!
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    Rampe, 68 y.o.

    Very good site. Easy to get contact
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    Floyd, 58 y.o.
    USA,Browning, MT

    On May 30th, I received an email from Natasha Shpigun from, suggesting I try this dating site.
    I was skeptical, especially since it was unexpected. I have been a member of almost every dating site, and been exposed to every scam there is, even fell for one 1/2 way. I made a trip to visit a lady,from another dating site, whom did not wish to met me after I arrived. Could it be because I made my own plans and did not use the agency's tour service?

    I have been very jaded, and was ready to pack it all in and give up. BUT, I looked at the site, and the testimonials seemed genuine, and the cost very reasonable, so I gave it a chance. The FIRST good impression I received, was the LACK of emails. Yes, I did not get 25 - 50 emails from 25 year old ladies saying how badly they wanted me. As I looked through the profiles, they appeared to be more realistic and genuine that the usual ones you see.

    Then on March 6th I received a letter from a woman, Irina, whose profile I had looked at but not written to because I was outside her age range. The letter was short but informative, and we started talking after that. Soon we were chatting in Skype, our first chat was 5 hours long! After that we "skyped" almost daily, sometimes for hours, sometimes just a quick hello. I did not think feelings could grow so strong through a video chat, but the did. We talked of everything, and I even talked with her children. Everything felt just wonderful.

    On November 19th I arrived in the Ukraine, I was met by Irina and her daughter at the airport. It was nice to realize that this woman who had won my heart, had given hers to me as well! It was a story book meeting, way more than I had dared to imagine. Well, ok, maybe I did imagine such a wonderful visit, but I was still amazed to see she completely loved me as well. We spent a few days alone together, then I went with her to school to meet her children. That did go better than I had imagined. Last night as thy had separate lessons, they had a tug of war about who I would go with, and I was the rope :)

    Wednesday, November 28th, I took Irina to the restaurant Familia, in Kharkov Ukraine. She said it was like a fairy-tale to be there. After dinner she wanted to dance, I said no. The shocked look was priceless! I dance with her in the kitchen, the elevator, everywhere, but here I said no.. She had been all giggles all night, when I proposed, she stopped, and just stared at me. My first thought was did I say it wrong :) Then I thought, OMG she is going to say now. She did say something, that I did not understand, then as her eyes filled with tears, she stuck out her finger for me to put the ring on! Then we danced, we danced until the restaurant staff started closing the doors! They NEER asked us to leave, and they had closed 20 minutes before I asked them.

    SO, if you did not get my message, I am VERY happy with this site, and will recommend it to anyone I know that is truly searching for love.
  • Engaged

    Floyd, 58 y.o.
    USA,Browning, MT

    On May 30th, I received a letter from Natasha Shpigun from, suggesting I give this site a try. I we exchanged a few emails answering my questions. I have tried almost every dating site there is and have been let down by all the scammers that seem to live on the sites. I joined the site a day or so later. I was most impressed by how many letters I DID NOT GET!! The ones I did get also seemed truly sincere.

    Then on March 5th I receive a letter from a woman whose profile I had looked at, but I thought I was outside her age requirements so I had not contacted her. It was a short introduction of who she is, and what she hoped for, so I just had to write back. Soon were visiting in Skype, our first Skype session lasted for 5 hours! She made many attempts to be available to visit with me when I was free that it assured me she was real. Many long skype sessions, many MANY emails...

    On November 19th I flew to the Ukraine to meet this wonderful lady that had won my heart. From the moment we met, it was obvious that I had won her's as well. Today as I sit here eating breakfast with this wonderful woman God has made for me, I am happy to say that we are engaged to be married!
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    Thomas, 50 y.o.

    Very well maintained site, real people, straight forward and userfriendly. I am still dreaming of my princess but would recommend this site anyway...
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    Marc, 51 y.o.

    Great site, found good match. Thanks
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    Olga, 26 y.o.

    Have found somebody very lovely
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    Pasi, 47 y.o.

    I found a lady via your site
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    Thomas, 57 y.o.

    I have found someone.
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    Marco, 40 y.o.


    Karina, 22 y.o.

    Thank you very much,I found love of my life on this site !!
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    Thomas, 24 y.o.

    I can find my real one!
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    Mohamed, 41 y.o.

    hi . i wish to find my true love with honest woman . man can not live in this world without love and true emotions , whre this woman who can give me true love .
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    trev, 57 y.o.
    United States of America,Rockaway Park, NY

    great site and may have met someone
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    Brian, 29 y.o.

    i found someone
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    Ruben, 42 y.o.
    United States of America,Las Vegas, NV

    This is the greatest brides site I have found. I have not found my love yet but have made friends with whom I stay in touch and I hope to marry one of them soon. I recommend this site to every single gentlemen but not to childish men that search for fun and games. All childish men please stay away.....
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    Steven, 39 y.o.


    Tatyana, 31 y.o.

    chat could work better sometimes . other than that when you meet someone as special as i did here what can you say only thank you . just keep trying this is a great web site and lots of fun the more you come the easer it get's. it made me smile again, she would know about this. who said you can't find love and happiness stick with it your meet some great people to along the way
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